Start Date
Thu Sep 19 2024
Day / Time
Various Times & Days
1 year
Baltic Campus
Functional Skills are applied qualifications which enable students to demonstrate real-life skills in mathematics. Students demonstrate the skills through real-life assessments set in every day contexts.
They are recognised as gateway qualifications, used in many existing apprenticeships and by students who may not yet have achieved a GCSE grade C/4 or above; they are widely used in adult education.
Speaking, Listening and Communication – Make a range of contributions to discussions in a range of contexts, including those that are unfamiliar and make effective presentations.
Reading – Select, read, understand and compare texts and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions.
Writing – Write a range of texts, including extended written documents communication information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively.
The assessment will cover all level 2 speaking, listening and communication skills standard.
Speaking, listening and communication will be internally assessed and you will be tasked with two activities designed to showcase your skills.
Reading and writing skills will be externally assessed through a paper based or online exam.
Our highly skilled team will provide you with the training and support you need.
You will have access to our facilities, library, resources and learning materials.
We will provide you with advice, guidance and support you throughout your learning journey.
You should already have achieved level 1 functional English.
If not, you will be asked to sit an initial assessment so that we can identify the level you are currently working at and if this course is suitable for you.
Over the first six weeks of the course, your teacher will help identify any areas for development.
These courses are free to learners who do not yet hold a GCSE A*-C/9-4 grade in this subject.
Whatever support you need, we’re here for you and will make sure you get the most out of your time at college.
We have expert teams in place to look after every single one of our students.
Our specialist teams can help with:
See here for more information, pop into one of our enrolment events, call us on 0191 490 4627.