A Levels

There are lots of reasons to study A Levels at Gateshead College including our 100% pass rate in 2023. 

We’ll ask you to work hard; to dig in and to challenge yourself and aim for things you didn’t think were possible. And we’ll be with you every step of the way. Our dedicated A Level teaching team will put everything they’ve got into making sure you succeed. 

You’ll enjoy lots of one to one support and have regular check ins to help keep you on track. 

You’re your own person, a young adult and an individual and that’s how we’ll treat you. We won’t talk down to you, pretend we know best or ignore your opinion. Weekly personal and social development sessions (PSD) will give brilliant pastoral support allowing you to explore new topics, have your voice heard and grow as a person. 

You’ll receive a personalised study programme mapped around your ambitions. It’ll be made up of a combination of A Level subjects or a mix of A Levels subjects and a vocational study programme. We’ll help you to choose the subjects that are right for you. 

You’ll also enjoy lot of experiences outside the classroom including university visits, careers fairs, trips abroad, inspirational work experience and guest speakers. 

Why study with us? 

  • We’re got the third best exam results in the country.  
  • You’ll get one to one support from our experience careers advisors for university applications.  
  • The chance to join our Sport Academy so you can train, play and compete alongside you’re A Level timetable.  
  • Enjoy Say Hello taster sessions before you start with us. Try out subjects, make new friends and get ready for September.  
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A Level pass rate for 2023