process for 16-18 courses. 

Dance student leaping in to the air

1. Apply online

You can apply for a course at any point during Year 11. There isn’t a set closing date but we always recommend you apply as early as possible so that you can make the best use of all the advice and support we offer to help you get ready for coming to college.

The best way to apply is on our website – simply go to the course you are interested in and complete the application form. If you’d like to apply for more than one course, simply complete more than one application form.


2. Attend an Enrolment Event

Once we’ve got your application form, you’ll be invited to attend an Enrolment Event. These happy every month and we encourage the applicant as well as their parents/carers to come along. You’ll have an informal chat with a teacher about the course and complete some paperwork so that we can find out a bit more about you.


3. Receive a Conditional Offer

After the event, you’ll receive a Conditional Offer from us. You’ll get this in the post as well as via email. This offer is based on the predicted GCSE grades you shared with us at the Enrolment Event.


4. Interview or Audition

For some of our courses you may need to attend an interview or audition. We’ll let you know this at the Enrolment Event and send you a date and time. These are friendly and informal sessions.


5. Come along to a Say Hello Taster Session

Before you start with us in September, you’ll be invited to our Say Hello Taster Sessions. These are hands-on, fun sessions where you get to meet your future class mates, our teaching teams and take part in a course-related activity. These sessions are usually just for applicants.


6. Financial Support

You may be interested in applying for some of the bursaries and grants that we offer to help cover some of the costs of coming to college, such as travel. In June, we’ll write to you with information about how to apply for financial support. You can’t apply before June as we have to wait for our grant and bursary information to come through from Government.


7. Registration Day

Before you start in September, we’ll invite you to a Registration Day. On this day we’ll ask you to come into college to complete your enrolment. You’ll share your GCSE grades with us and complete some paperwork. It usually only takes about 20 minutes and takes place at the end of August.

Don’t worry if you don’t get the GCSE grades you expected, we’ll be able to talk to you about your options and find another course for you to enrol on.